Share a Bible, Share Hope and Change Lives!
Unlike here in North America where Bibles are cheap and easily accessible, Africa is a unique situation! Bibles are rare, and if available, they are quite expensive! We need your support to help share free Bibles in Africa.

About the Founders
For over 20 years, Bill and Becky have been sharing the love of Christ with others around the world. Bill is a retired real estate broker. Becky is a nurse. We both want to serve humanity as the Lord directs. Bill read many letters from Africa requesting Bibles and assistance for orphans. We went to Ghana and Kenya in 2001. The poverty was over whelming. After returning, we established Advent Hope Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization, to fund these projects. As the funds come in for these projects, the people are extremely grateful. To this date, we have made over 35 trips to Africa in an effort to assist the people physically and spiritually. |

Why Africa?
There are so many things that we take for granted here in America, that are luxuries in Africa. We have learned what a blessing it is to have smooth roads to drive on, electricity, running water, grocery stores, and many other things. But the greatest blessing, is to have Bibles available to everyone. We have learned that truly the Word of God is a treasure to be studied day after day.
“In all parts of the world angels of God are opening doors that a little while ago were closed to the message of truth. From India, from Africa, from China, and from many other places is heard the cry, “Come over and help us.” { E. G White, Gospel Workers, p. 465.3} This is the exact call we want to answer! This is the way that we feel, and however small a part we can have in people learning of God, we must do that part.
What a blessing it is, to see people’s lives changed by studying the Bible! Here is part of an e-mail from an individual who received a Bible from us in Nigeria: “you may not know the joy you have put into people’s mind and how many souls you have converted to Christ through your free gift of Bibles and other Christian books.” We want to hear more stories like this from all over Africa!
Thus, “viewing the cross of Calvary, looking upon the world’s Redeemer, who for our sake became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich, we shall feel that we are not to lay up for ourselves treasures on the earth, but to lay up treasures in the bank of heaven, which will never suspend payment nor fail. The Lord has given Jesus to our world, and the question is, What can we give back to God in gifts and offerings to show our appreciation of His love? “Freely ye have received, freely give.” {Counsels on Stewardship, p. 287.1}
Advent Hope Ministries operates two orphanages in Kenya to provide a home and a place for children who have no parents. For more information, click the button below.

Education is key in transforming the life of individuals and the society. That is why we have also invested in establishing schools where children from the community and our orphanages can obtain quality Christian Education. So far we have 4 schools in Kenya run by Advent Hope Ministries. For more information, click the button below.
Widows Home
Several widows are left hopeless with hardly anyone to take care of them. Advent Hope Ministries founded a widows home, a place where the needy and more vulnerable widows, can find hope and support. For more information, click the button bellow.

Health Crisis is universal. Our world is indeed “a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and spiritual disease.” {Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 455,456} In some remote parts of Africa, access to health facilities is difficult and expensive for most people. Our clinic in Kenya is catering for this need by providing affordable health care to the community. Click the button below for more information.
We believe in caring for the whole person not only physically but also mentally and spiritually, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. We have established 23 churches which are providing spiritual support and fellowship for the community. For more information, click button below

Current Projects
Bibles for Africa Project
Two orphanages in Kisii, Kenya
High School and College Students
47 Students
Clinic Expansion for Inpatient Services
Building Two New Churches