
The Ibencho Advent Hope Clinic was founded in 2008. There was a need for a place for the school children to go when they had a problem. So, a place was set aside for simple treatments. But the need was so great that we decided to establish a clinic. The healthcare situation in Africa is pitiful. Many people are unable to afford medical care. And in most places, there is no medical care available nearby. In some cases, the medical facilities available are not furnished to even care for the basic healthcare needs.

To attempt to meet these needs, the Ibencho clinic was started to assist the people, save lives, and treat people’s physical needs, before opening their hearts to spiritual needs. Our mission is to witness in the community by providing a safe place they know they can come for help.

Currently, we have four local workers at the clinic. Around three hundred people per month receive treatment in our clinic. But the need is still great! We can accomplish much if the facility gets expanded.

We are working on expanding the clinic to a 24-hour service. This will call for additional staff and equipment. The goal is to make the clinic self-supporting. We are also working with the government to get approval so that the clinic can accept Kenya insurance cards.

Your gift will help in saving lives by helping to furnish the clinic to offer better services to the locals. It will also help in supporting those who come to the clinic who are not able to pay for the services offered.