After visiting the country of Kenya for several years and witnessing the poverty level and the number of children in the streets, we thought of doing something to help. In 2010, we founded the first orphanage. We realized that guardians have too many children of their own and cannot take proper care of any more. The orphan children they were to care for, were poorly fed, not going to school, wearing hardly had any clothes. You could pass the streets and see a crowd of bare feet, ill clothed, malnourished children. It was heartbreaking!
The orphanages were founded to raise the young people to be responsible members of society and to be able to provide for their own families. Our mission is to train the children to be leaders in their church and in their communities by providing them with a safe home where they can grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. It has been inspiring to know that several of the older young people are planning to sponsor at least one orphan and give back.
Currently, we have eighty four orphans in the orphanages. Another forty six are in high school and seven in college. Well-wishers and donors of Advent Hope Ministry support all these projects. The cost to sponsor a child is $40/month at the orphanage and $65/month in high school and in college.
We are also trying to find ways to make the orphanages more self-supporting. Recently, we bought a knitting machine, that hopefully they can use to make sweaters for other schools – get contracts – make money. We plan to buy a second one. Below are the pictures of the children in their new sweaters, made with the machine we bought.
We need your support to give these orphans a chance to make their lives better. Join our team of donors in making a difference in someone’s life.
To Read the children’s testimonies, Click HERE